How to Create a Searchable Video Database with the Help of a Very Handy Plugin

#mp4-converter #video
January 04, 2024

Searchable databases are great for businesses that deal with large amounts of files and don't want to organize everything themselves. For example, when working with many files, such as videos, it can be difficult to keep track of where all the files you need at that moment are.

Special Yes if you are editing videos and you don’t know where to find what you need, finding it may take a lot of time. But there is a solution in the form of a handy plugin – Fast Video Cataloger.

Fast Video Cataloger

FVC Home Page

FVC is a software for Windows that allows you to search, organize and browse video files. You don't have to waste endless time and postpone your work schedule Just to find that thing you need to use at that moment, but you didn't know where you put it. Below, we'll tell you all about this tool, what it does, and why it's actually quite useful.


Quick Video Cataloger will let you create a searchable video database, and the videos will be displayed in a thumbnail timeline, making searching easier. Click on the thumbnail and you can instantly get an overview of the video and see exactly what it is which video it is and make sure it is the video you are looking for.

Quick Video Cataloger has advanced search options that allow you to search your videos can be sorted by actor name, free text or filters .FVC also has a star rating system so you can sort them based on preference and quality. You can also use their video player to play videos starting from a thumbnail.

FVC can use automatic thumbnails in Browse 100 videos in 100 seconds, with one displayed every second. These search options come in handy when you are editing a video and need the content ready for use as quickly as possible.

FVC Thumbnail Feature

If you want to add more information about the video, such as actor names, descriptions, and accompanying images, you can. FVC allows you to create metadata for each video or even each scene. All you have to do is find one of the many FVC video in one of the options and click on it.

By doing this you will open a window in the upper right corner with each image in the window representing a scene. When you click on the scene you simply click on Just enter the required text in the lower right corner. There are three options, keywords, actors, or actions.

FVC Function 2

In addition, when editing very long videos (such as conferences, lectures , presentations, etc.), you can use the Quick Video Catalog Scene Window to find the scene you need faster. The Scene Window is located at the bottom of the screen and you can access it by opening the Video Catalog and clicking the button in the lower left corner.

The video catalog will be placed on the left, with the main screen in the middle, giving you a perfect overview of your searches. The user interface is also fully customizable, meaning you can adjust it to match the types of videos you typically work with. Adding features to the interface is very easy. It works like an internet browser, by adding, switching and closing tabs at the top of the screen.

FVC Feature Three

Learn about any video you have there information such as format, frame rate, scan type, sample rate, bit rate, etc. All you need to do is open the "Video Details" window by clicking the button in the lower left corner.

It will open the "Extended Video Properties window that will display all the stored information. Instead of using several other tools to search for information, you have all the information in one place.


Speaking of price, it’s worth mentioning Yes, there is now an Appsumo promotion which includes the Fast Video Catalog software. The best thing about this promotion is that it is not a subscription but a one-time purchase and the price is very cheap.

FVC Pricing

The deal includes lifetime use of FVC, all future planned updates to the software (imagine what else they could add), and a 60-day money-back guarantee. So, you do have plenty of time to test out FVC and all its features. Appsumo Special discounted price of $49.


Fast Video Cataloger is a great value product that will help you be more productive. With all the search options it offers, you will always be able to find it easily What you're looking for, find scenes from videos, expand search possibilities by adding tags, descriptions and actor names, find details about videos, and more.

Additionally, the Appsumo deals currently on offer are great , as the original price of FVC is $335, but with the Appsumo deal you can get it for just $49. That includes lifetime access to the software, all future planned updates, and a 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

You can create a truly amazing video database because with all its features, Fast Video Cataloger can store over 10000 videos. So, what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and organize your video with Fast Video Cataloger Video database.