This spring, 4K download users continue to rejoice in the amazing surprises brought by the developers - with the release of version 4.0 of 4K Video Downloader and all its new products, 4K Stogram has also been updated with 2 new features - Download photos by The power of hashtags and geolocation!
Hashtags are metadata tags you can find on almost all social networks and blogging services today. They serve as tags through which bloggers can conveniently to organize their posts as well as it also helps users find the specific content they are looking for.
4K Stogram Users can now search for a specific hashtag and download all photos of tagged events, situations, like-minded people and information about that Any other content of the theme is important.
Another great feature allows 4K Stogram users to download Instagram photos by geolocation. Are you on vacation and want some latest and bright photos of the place? Want to Want to get all the photos from the restaurant where you spent many warm evenings with friends? Need to download images of a specific country or city for your college project? Or just want to always have some of your best memories on your computer, even without an internet connection? Beautiful photos of your favorite place? Then you will definitely find this feature useful!
No matter what topic, place or activity you are interested in, try these new amazing features - Download the latest version of 4K Stogram and log in to your Instagram account, search for a more favorite theme and enjoy the results!